Showing 67 Result(s)

Making the Connection: Childhood Trauma and Autoimmune Conditions

Autoimmune diseases happen when your immune system mistakenly attacks your body’s own tissues, which leads to a wide range of symptoms and health issues. While some commonly recognized contributors are genetics and environmental factors, research has drawn a compelling link between childhood trauma and the later development of autoimmune conditions. The Impact of Childhood Trauma …

Navigating the Narratives: The Stories We Tell Ourselves

When situations come up, our minds nosedive into our past experiences, revisiting past moments that have shaped us faster than we could even realize is happening. These moments, especially the painful ones, have a distinct way of embedding themselves into the very fibers of our being, impacting the stories we tell ourselves about who we …

New York City: The Crossroads of Reinvention

There’s an ache in revisiting a place that once held your very identity. New York City, that concrete jungle once pulsating with the rhythm of my being, now feels like a stranger simply wearing familiar landmarks. Buildings have overtaken where the parks used to be, where kids used to play. The city’s buzz replaced by …

In All Things Give Thanks: Finding The Light In Tough Times

Sometimes life feels like a relentless storm, doesn’t it? One minute you’re dancing in the sunshine, and the next, you’re trodding uphill through hail and rain. It’s in these moments, when the clouds seem impenetrable, that finding a glimmer of light feels almost impossible. Yet, it’s also at that point when the smallest rays of …

Invisible Woman Becoming Visible

The healing journey fucking sucks! I’m saying that with my whole chest. And I’m saying that while still making the choice to continue on this journey. It’s a declaration I make, not with resignation, but with a fierce determination to persist. My life, a series of experiences woven together by the imagination only Creator could …

Pleasure or Peril: Is Your Adult Toy Making You Sick?

In the realm of sexual pleasure, adult toys have carved a niche for themselves, becoming a popular choice among women worldwide. However, beneath the veil of pleasure and orgasms, there lies a concern that’s not often talked about – radiation emission from these toys and its potential impact on women’s health. It’s time to shed …

The Healing Power of Heart Intelligence

In the quiet whispers of the heart, a realm of infinite wisdom unfolds, reverberating in the sacred chamber of our being, offering a roadmap to a place of healing and tranquility. Have you ever stopped to ponder the symphony of intelligence that beats tirelessly in our chests, that beacon of loving energy that has the …

EQ and Parenting: Nurturing the Heart and Mind

In the tender fabric of family, we find the golden thread of emotional intelligence (EQ) weaving deeper connections and richer understanding in recent years. This delicate yet mighty force, steeped in the warm embrace of empathy, stands as a beacon in the sacred garden of nurturing souls. Whispers of the Heart To truly understand the …

Man showing off plastic surgery results

Cosmetic Surgery for Men: The Next Big Trend?

In recent years, a new trend has seen itself make its way among men. There’s a new trend of men getting cosmetic surgery. While there’s no one reason they’re doing it, it’s trending due to several factors such as: The increasing acceptance of cosmetic surgery among society as a whole The desire to look younger …

Postpartum Psychosis: It’s Time to Talk About It

Postpartum psychosis (PP) is a rare but serious mental illness that can occur after childbirth. It is characterized by a sudden onset of severe mood swings, delusions, and hallucinations. Symptoms typically begin within the first two weeks after childbirth, but can occur up to a year later. The exact cause of PP is unknown, but …

Is Insomnia Robbing You of Your Health?

What is Insomnia? Insomnia is characterized as a sleep disorder that shows up as either difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. It’s a very common sleep disorder and according to The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, about 30% of adults have insomnia. Sleep is essential for everyone for their health and well-being as a whole. …

Unspoken Thoughts of a Mother

I woke up at 3am that morning, long before the sun peeked through the clouds. I lay in bed for a few hours, thinking about my kids. I thought about their needs, how I could better support them, and the things I’d like to do for them. My 14-year-old son woke up and started getting …

The Essential Traits of an Emotionally Intelligent Partner: Unlocking the Secrets to Successful Relationships and Life

Emotional intelligence means having the ability to understand, process, and respond to emotions in yourself or someone else. It can make a huge difference in your life when you’re proficient in these areas. Here are some of the top personality traits of an emotionally intelligent partner: Emotional intelligence is all about being aware of your …

Sacred Geometry & Relationships: How It Can Help You

Sacred geometry is the study of geometric shapes and patterns that are believed to have spiritual significance. When it comes to relationships, sacred geometry can be used to understand underlying patterns and dynamics that shape our interactions with others. One of the most fundamental shapes in sacred geometry is the circle. In relationships, the circle …