The Colors of Your Pee: What It Can Tell You About Your Health

What Is Urine?

Urine is liquid waste produced by the kidneys and expelled from the urethra. It is made up of water, electrolytes, and body metabolism waste. Some of the normal properties in urine include:

Water (One of the main components)
Body metabolism waste (ie. urea, creatinine, uric acid)

What Can Your Urine Color Tell You?

The color of urine can be a good indicator of your body’s health. Here is some information on what different urine colors can mean:

Normal Urine Colors

Clear: Clear urine is a good indicator that you are well-hydrated.
Pale Yellow: Pale yellow urine is also a good indicator of hydration. It is slightly darker than clear urine due to the breakdown of urochrome, a normal pigment found in urine.

Abnormal Urine Colors

Dark Yellow: Dark yellow urine is often a sign of dehydration. This means the body is losing more water than it takes in. Other possible causes of dark yellow urine include liver problems or certain medications.
Orange: Orange urine can also be a sign of dehydration. It can also be caused by certain medications or liver problems.
Red or Pink: Red or pink urine can be a sign of blood in the urine. This can be caused by certain foods or drinks, medications, or medical conditions.
Brown: Brown urine can be a sign of liver problems or dehydration. It can also be caused by the breakdown of red blood cells in the body.
Green or Blue: Green or blue urine is rare and can be caused by certain medications, bacteria, or genetic disorders.
Cloudy or Milky: Cloudy or milky urine can indicate the presence of proteins or white blood cells, which can be a sign of a urinary tract infection. It can also be caused by bacteria, mucus, or other components.

When Should You See a Doctor?

If you notice a significant change in the color or odor of your urine, you should see a doctor. This could be an early indicator of a more serious health problem. You should also see a doctor if you have any symptoms when you urinate, such as pain, burning, or other uncomfortable sensations.


Monitoring the color of your urine is a proactive way to keep an eye on your health. You can easily tell your body’s hydration level and get early indicators of other health problems. If you see any significant changes, you should see a doctor.
