The Relationship Couch Blog 154: 154 Invite To Celebrate And Setting The Podcasting History Record Straight

154: 154 Invite To Celebrate And Setting The Podcasting History Record Straight

154: 154 Invite To Celebrate And Setting The Podcasting History Record Straight post thumbnail image

Help us celebrate our 15th year anniversary! An invite to be part of our beta for our mobile publishing app (all details in the shownotes.) Apple research enhancements including discovering topics and people. PLUS, show and episode pages display images of hosts and guests. We break it down for you. Setting the podcasting historically narrative straight and an ad insertion technology history lesson. And the latest geographic, Spotify and user agent stats…plus of course a whole lot more!

Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going! Email or call 412–573–1934. We’d love to hear from you!

Quick Episode Summary

  • :07 Intro!
  • 3:10 PROMO 1: Femcanic Garage
  • 3:34 Rob and Elsie Conversation
  • 4:44 Krystal has an invitation for you to be part of our mobile publishing app beta! Gotta listen for deets!
  • We are celebrating our 15 year anniversary and we would love your help!
  • Straight up Apple search enhancements that include the guest image specifications
  • Guess where you will get access to all the new things necessary? In Podcasts Connect not your RSS feed.
  • Sometimes your artwork affects Apple Podcasts
  • Levelator does not work with Catalina and it may not ever work
  • Industry news about Luminary
  • 20:55 Promo 2: Causality
  • Having two different streams of content published concurrently on one feed, thoughts on using Apple Podcasts using seasons, is it a good idea?
  • A couple of tips on Apple Podcasts categories
  • 26:55 The libsyn podcast page, and went to use it? A question from Roberto
  • We have a free upcoming webinar all about podcast websites!
  • Uploading an episode and only having it available for people with a link
  • Is it still a download if someone just plays the audio from your website?
  • Where have YOU been: local newspapers
  • Making sure we set the history of podcasting right
  • The history of ad insertion technology, for the record – and it all began in 2005
  • 45:53 Promo 3: Your Money Your Wealth
  • Stats, stats, stats! Geographic, Spotify, and user agent
  • Where have we been!
  • Where are we going?

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)


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Ways to subscribe to The Feed: The Official Libsyn Podcast


You can ask your questions, make comments and create a segment about podcasting for podcasters! Let your voice be heard.

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