The Relationship Couch Blog 149: 149 Your Mic Is A Lifestyle Choice

149: 149 Your Mic Is A Lifestyle Choice

149: 149 Your Mic Is A Lifestyle Choice post thumbnail image

Going over the Apple Podcasts categories again, OMG a new Libsyn front end website! New look y’all! Super awesome. Breaking down deets of what’s going on with Libsyn and Podcast Movement, plus we answer what are the Top 5 things a Podcaster should do BEFORE recording their first episode? And what to do after publishing their first 5 episodes, and y’all we don’t stop there because we have 2 Rob mini soap boxes and the latest stats! Mean and median numbers!

Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going! Email or call 412–573–1934. We’d love to hear from you!

Quick Episode Summary

  • :07 Intro & how you can be featured by Libsyn!
  • 2:50 PROMO 1: History of the Bible
  • 3:19 Rob and Elsie Conversation
  • Right into more details about Apple Podcasts categories
  • Hey! We have a new Libsyn front-facing Libsyn website!
  • 13:20 A break down of when, where and what the Libsyn Team will be doing at Podcast Movement 2019!
  • Audio listeners in the UK survey
  • 24:42 PROMO 2: Your Brain on Facts
  • What exactly is the field NOT to fill out anymore, hint: Apple Podcasts Summary field
  • Making episodes disappear, on purpose and building a newsletter
  • 31:04 What are the top 5 things a podcasters should do before recording their first episode
  • 36:14 What are the top 5 tips for a podcaster after producing their first 5 episodes
  • Is there a rule within the Apple TOS that boots you for doing a giveaway in exchange for ratings and reviews?
  • Spotify and Apple Music are dueling, really?
  • The best place to put paranormal podcasts with the new categories
  • When a CEO compares podcasters to a flea market
  • To have a website for your show or not to have a website for your show
  • Rob goes Libsyn 301 in setting all kinds of special feeds!
  • The Lore TV show got cancelled
  • Why is there no Libsyn mobile app?
  • Worst email of the week
  • What we think of a business that is built on making money off of user feedback
  • 64:40 Oh yes, should you use Amazon AWS to host your podcast? #RobSoapBox
  • Shockingly, people lie about their podcast numbers
  • 76:08 PROMO 3: Project Woo Woo
  • 74:26 Where are we going?

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)


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Ways to subscribe to The Feed: The Official Libsyn Podcast


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