The Relationship Couch Blog 117: 117 Sorry, I’m In The Middle of a Double Ender

117: 117 Sorry, I’m In The Middle of a Double Ender

117: 117 Sorry, I’m In The Middle of a Double Ender post thumbnail image

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Quick Episode Summary:

  • Intro :07
  • Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Phoning it In1:45
  • How you can be featured by Libsyn! 6:25
  • PROMO 1: Best Pick 7:44
  • Elsie and Rob Conversation 8:15
    • Allergies and Elsie has a new set-up
    • New interesting tool, Clipisodes
    • What is the most podcasted about subject?
    • What ever happened to the December 2017 mean stats?
    • Feedback all about advertising for Spotify and Twitter feedback 23:14
    • Why would you want to have a Libsyn standalone app for your podcast?
    • PROMO 2: Untold Miracles 34:30
    • 1.5 speed can make people think that you’re drunk
    • Optimizing your show titles in Apple Podcasts can really get you to move up in the rankings
    • This time we discuss matching loudness for LUFS and tal RMS, Loudness, and Perceived values
    • Moving from my Apple ID to someone else’s in Apple Podcast Connect.
    • More about
    • Some key tips about what needs to be in your episode zero
    • What spam is and how someone is doing some spamming
    • Goodness, is closing down and their kicking show off
    • Download vs streaming
    • Why do we not have a featured section for podcasters
    • What’s the scoop on using a bit of audio from another podcast on my podcast?
    • Josh just got his first one star review! Congrats! 1:12:40
    • The IAB has not put anyone through compliance testing
    • What exactly does it take to get a run at the top of Apple Podcasts/iTunes chart when you launch
    • PROMO 3: The Cinema Psychos 1:18:00
    • STATS! Mean and median numbers based on episodes released in the month of February through the end of March.
    • Elsie opened up the doors to her mentorship group The E-League for Spring!

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)


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