WE LOVE feedback! 1-412-573-1934 thefeed@libsyn.comÂ
Quick Episode Summary:
- Intro :11
- Promo 1: Bitchen Boutique 2:29
- The Libsyn Blog info 2:59
- Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Accidentally The Whole Tip 4:13
- Promo 2: Skywalking Through Neverland 9:15
- How we feature you! 9:47
- Promo 3: Remnant Bible Fellowship 12:09
- Rob & Elsie Conversation 12:36
- Good things coming for the end of the year!
- Do you guys know about WalkMe? It’s awesome
- The story of when a podcaster’s files so so big
- There was an iTunes glitch in mid October and it made podcasters feel unpopular
- Apple releases new MacBook Pros and they are not very good for podcasters
- Windows 10 is having issues with volume levels on their mics
- Yes, podcasting DOES build trust, credibility, and brand loyalty
- And goodness gracious, invoking god and pleading with people to NOT start a podcast
- The Libsyn Custom Player is totally responsive! But sometimes websites are not
- Copyright problems with podcasters on YouTube
- Discussing 60db
- And more on pen-pineapple-apple-pen
- Very through information about the impact of transcription on your podcast
- The Cast Away Awards! And that would be the Australian Podcast Awards! 53:27
- Supporting an OG podcaster that needs your help and support
- Why Do You Hate Us?
- Minx from Polyamory Weekly! 55:45
- It’s stats, stats, stats time! Both mean and median AND user-agents!
Featured Podcast Promos + Audio
- Bitchen Boutique
- Skywalking Through Neverland
- Remnant Bible Fellowship
- Accidentally The Whole Tip
- The Cast Away Awards
- Polyamory Weekly
Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie
- Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback 🙂
- Link to video dealing with the Windows 10 volume thing
- Podcasting: ‘It builds trust, credibility and brand loyalty’
- Please, please for the love of god do not start a podcast
- Two examples of the custom player on mobile optimized sites here and here
- How These Netflix And NPR Vets Plan To Reinvent Podcasts
- We Edit Podcasts
- Support Chemda from Keith and The Girl!
- Rob on Awesome At Your Job
- Elsie on Systematic
- Dave on the Podcaster’s Round Table: Setting up your podcast studio
- Speaking with TJ Walker featuring Dave
- Rob on an interview from the Worldwide Radio Summit
- iRig Dual Lav set-up used by Rob and Dave in this episode
Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)
- Podfest use coupon code shepodcasts for the 3 day event by 11/30 and get $77 off!
- Podfusion the workshop put on by She Podcasts!
- Training 2017 Conference
- Proclaim 17
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- Email thefeed@libsyn.com
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