The Relationship Couch Blog 10: 010 RSS Feed Questions, iTunes SEO and Growing Your Audience Through Connection and Emotion

10: 010 RSS Feed Questions, iTunes SEO and Growing Your Audience Through Connection and Emotion

Leave us Feedback! 412 573 1934 :: :: Quick Episode Summary:

  • Intro: We need more promos and Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts!
  • Shout outs to: Izabela and Mike from Music Radio Creative, Jason from Podcast 101 and Craig from Reality Check Podcast
  • Premier Punditry Promo
  • On the Libsyn Blog
  • Tuning Into SciFi TV Promo
  • Social Media Conversation
  • The Awful Parents
  • Podcasting for the holidays
  • Speakpipe feedback
  • Rob and Elsie conversation
    • Feedback from Jonathan from The Foreign Filmcast about not being able to find The Feed in iTunes
    • Eric Gunnar Rochow, Host & Producer from GardenFork.TV sent feedback asking about the subscription model, apps and iTunes SEO.
    • Feedback from JB Lopez from Random JB Musings about enhanced podcasts and Podreel.
    • Skype no longer changing their API via Kevin Bachelder
    • Replacing an MP3 file on Libsyn after it’s been published.
    • Why you should publish your files to your Libsyn RSS and not just for download only.
    • What we want to do for you at the New Media Expo!

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

iTunes SEO

Jonathan from the Foreign Filmcast could not find The Feed in iTunes, so he ended up googling it and found it that way.

Did a little bit of research and I asked via social media if we could get some of our community to search for the feed in iTunes and we got an array of responses, so this is what I noticed:

  • If you search for The Feed and hit enter we are nowhere to be found.
  • If you search for The Feed in the search box, the little drop down list that comes up does have us on there twice.
  • There are what I think THOUSANDS of people that use ‘the’ + ‘feed’ in their title ie all the people from Blog Talk Radio – the blog talk radio feed, Linux Reality Podcast mp3 feed, etc.
  • There are also a ton of apps that use The Feed in their title or in their description.


What really matters in iTunes search

  • The title of the show
  • How many all time subscribers all time.
  • That’s it!

Replacing an existing file in Libsyn.

The way that works the quickest when replacing a file is to FTP the file up to your libsyn “dropbox” FTP folder – and make sure the new version has the identical file name as the original including CASE. That will overwrite the original with in a few minutes. And the stats will just continue on.

If you use the “replace” option in the UI – it could take a few hours for the new version to propagate out to the 40+ nodes around the world.


Why should you publish to your libsyn feed

There are a few tutorials out there that recommend you upload files and select the option file for download only – these tutorials are ALL wrong and giving you bad advice. PERIOD.

Even if you don’t use or ever plan to use the Libsyn feeds or extra services like the smartphone apps or HTML 5 player or website or cross-posting to WordPress or Blogger – or any other of the great services Libsyn offers – there is one service ALL Libsyn podcasters will want to be part of and that is our directory – – and ALL those tutorials that say just to select file for download only when you upload a file – are for lack of a better phrase – screwing you over on the PR side.

Unless you publish to your libsyn RSS feed – your show will NOT repeat not show up in and that is the same directory that powers our facebook app And well soon we will be talking more why it is even really important to be listed in that directory.

But for now if you are one that selects file for download only – well you are shooting yourself in the foot – and note publishing to your libsyn feed – where you add a title and description – does not change how any of those tutorials will work. If you would like instructions on how you can have all of your meta data imported over automatically for all your past episodes – shoot me an email


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