The Relationship Couch Blog 1: 001 Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 Apps, New Stitcher Stats, Growing Your Audience in Summer Time

1: 001 Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 Apps, New Stitcher Stats, Growing Your Audience in Summer Time

Quick Episode Summary:

  • Searching podcasts is no good in iTunes
  • Mini itunes player has a mini breakdown
  • New libsyn windows 8 and windows phone 8 apps
  • New Stitcher stats
  • Growing your audience during summer time

Featured Podcast Promos 1. Chuck Brown from Hide Your Word 2. Tim Callaway from The Mouse Castle Lounge 3. Dave Jackson and The School of Podcasting


Podcasting articles and media from the last couple of weeks as well as the newest posts on the Libsyn blog

  • The Best Podcast Hosting options Daniel J Lewis from does a fantastic job breaking down podcast hosting for both your website as well as your media hosting. If you ever have someone wondering where to host their media and why, send them over.

  • How John Lee Dumas Earns $18,000 a Month with His Podcast- An interview with Dave Jackson and John Lee Dumas on The School of Podcasting

  • How Ira Glass Gets People to Talk : Ira Glass from This American Life on how he approaches interviews. Great stuff from a master. It’s a short article with a super short video.

  • Women in Podcasting article from @Marinaisgo aka Marina Rose Martinez

    “Here you can find a compilation of the best and brightest the female podcasting scene has to offer! It’s a list that’s growing all the time.”

  • Why Podcasting Is The Perennial Also-Ran

    “The problem is you can’t find a podcast to save your life.

Ever go through the iTunes podcast directory and look for something? It’s akin to looking for a pair of lost floaties in the Atlantic Ocean.

Apple, the 800-pound gorilla of the podcasting marketplace, has an awful search capability. Other podcasting directories languish in obscurity, many simply disappearing for lack of use.

Services such as Stitcher help you identify shows you may find interesting, but for niche areas such as bankruptcy law and consumer protection issues it’s just not up to the task.

You could go to Google and do a search, but that’s not much help either because the audio content can’t be parsed out by the algorithm (yet).

Which means the only way you’re going to get people to listen to your podcast is by leveraging what you’ve already got.”

Windows 8 Apps and Windows Phone 8 Apps for Podcasters + Stitcher Stats in Libsyn Stats!

You asked for Rob Walch and so you got him. We discuss:

A bit of clarification from our conversation:

If you use our HTML 5 media player in Safari on an iOS device – it shows up as “AppleCoreMedia” in our stats – However AppleCoreMedia is not just Media Players in Safari – it is also the Podcasts app and other apps as well.

If you click on the URL from Safari – and it opens up the mobile quicktime player then it shows up as “safari” in our stats.

email if you have more questions!

Libsyn social media community conversations

These were the biggest community conversations in our social media channels:

What was your first significant investment in ‪#‎podcasting‬? You know, when you knew you were in for the long haul...

How do podcasters listen to podcasts? Share your favorite ways to consume podcasts!

Best Way To Grow Your Audience! aka The More listeners please! Segment

These tips are seasonal in nature. At this moment we are focusing on summer time as at the time of this recording it’s July in the Northern Hemisphere, but these tips can apply to any holiday, vacation time in your part of the world, and more specifically if your audience happens to be more locations specific.

Please note that when I say “summer” or “summertime” you can insert ‘holiday season’ ‘sprink break’ ‘semana santa’ ‘vacaciones de agosto’ or any other cultural time that people are off their usual schedules.

Here is the complete list of tips of how to grow your audience in summer time.

All right, that is it for our first episode!

Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and we really would love love love to add more of your voices to the mix SO if you have any questions or feedback you can email The coolest thing ever would be if you attach an MP3 of your feedback so we can play it on the show! You can also reach out via twitter and the Facebook page and hashtag it with #thefeed, so that we know you want to be addressed in the show.

And send us your PROMOS!!! thefeed@

To Chuck Brown from Hide Your Word, Tim Callaway from The Mouse Castle Lounge, and Dave Jackson from The School of Podcasting thank you for being the first to send in your promos. You guys rock! Thanks for stepping up!

What do you want to hear about? What are you most interested in us offering you?

Be on the lookout for episode 2 coming out two weeks from today, so that would be towards the end of July. Look forward to hearing from you before then!

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