When it comes to relationships and intimacy, our greatest teachers are the examples we had growing up and the environments we were in. Most people don’t realize just as easily as we need to learn different subjects in school, we should also be reading and learning about healthy relationships. Relationships are some of the most important things in our lives and we often navigate them on the fly, often repeating the same challenges. I wanted to put together a list of some of my favorite books on relationships and intimacy.
- Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson
This was the first book I read about relationships that helped me see them as a dance that needs both partners. It truly changed my outlook on relationships and led to me going back to school to study relationships.
2. All About Love by bell hooks
I absolutely love this book! Be ready to face some truths about the way you thought of relationships. My eyes were definitely opened after reading this. I also love her style of writing. She shares through poignant personal anecdotes.
3. Rising Strong by Brene Brown
We’re often taught vulnerability is weakness. When it comes to relationships, we have to be able to reach a level of vulnerability with our partners. This book does a really great job of offering perspective on the shame associated with vulnerability and much more fulfilling we could live if we would allow ourselves vulnerable moments.
4. Eight Dates by John Gottman
While this book has a similar perspective to Hold Me Tight, it’s also beneficial in covering points from a different point of view. It offers the many years of experience the Gottman’s bring with it.
5. The Relationship Cure by John Gottman
This book works well on discussing the strengthening of relationships of various kinds. It’s not solely focused on romantic relationships, but also focuses on the other relationships in our lives that many take for granted.
While this list is nowhere near an exhaustive list, you can expect additional reading lists down the line.
Note: The links to Amazon are affiliate links. If you end up buying any of these books, I’ll get a few pennies from Amazon. Happy reading!