Sacred Geometry & Relationships: How It Can Help You

Sacred geometry is the study of geometric shapes and patterns that are believed to have spiritual significance. When it comes to relationships, sacred geometry can be used to understand underlying patterns and dynamics that shape our interactions with others.

One of the most fundamental shapes in sacred geometry is the circle. In relationships, the circle represents unity and wholeness. When two people come together in a relationship, they form a new unit, a new circle. This circle isn’t just a physical boundary, but also an emotional and spiritual boundary. The circle represents the idea that two people have come together to form a new entity, a new whole.

Another important shape in sacred geometry is the triangle. In relationships, the triangle represents the idea of balance and harmony. A relationship is a balance between two individuals, and the triangle represents the idea that each person in the relationship has their own unique role to play. The triangle also represents the idea of stability, as the three sides work together to keep the shape balanced and stable.

The final shape to be discussed as it pertains to sacred geometry is the square. A square represents the idea of structure, stability and foundation. In a relationship, the square represents the idea of commitment and support. The four sides of the square represent the idea that each person in the relationship is committed to supporting the other, and that together they form a stable foundation for their relationship.

This is simply an introduction to Sacred geometry, as it goes so much deeper than this post. It truly can be a valuable tool for understanding the underlying patterns and dynamics of relationships. The circle represents unity and wholeness, the triangle represents balance and harmony, and the square represents structure, stability and foundation. By understanding these shapes and their meanings, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own relationships and how to cultivate them in a meaningful way.

If you have experience with sacred geometry and your relationship, I’d love to hear about it!