The Relationship Couch Blog 172: 172 Hey, It’s Tom!

172: 172 Hey, It’s Tom!

172: 172 Hey, It’s Tom! post thumbnail image

We discuss Gaana, Stitcher sold to Sirius XM, follow up on show ownership + contracts, the Zoom H8, the evil of podcast attribution, the 300 episode limit in Apple Podcasts, and The Latino Podcast Listener Report data with special guest Tom Webster from Edison Research and of course stats!

Who are the Latinos in Podcasting sign up!

Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going! Email or call 412–573–1934. We’d love to hear from you!

Quick Episode Summary

  • :13 Intro
  • 3:08 PROMO 1: Mongabay Explorers
  • 3:38 Rob and Elsie Conversation
  • We have a new Destination! Say hello to Gaana
  • So, Sirius XM purchased Stitcher from Scripps
  • How do you get that whole, “more by this network” underneath the other podcast suggestions in Apple Podcasts?
  • Google is not indexing ID3 Tags
  • Following up on the conversation about Show Ownership from Ep 271
  • Oh, oh! We have a new piece of hardware! Say hello to the Zoom H8 (and we know some podcasters that would be willing to test it..hint, hint)
  • Some podcast listeners do set their apps to download all your episodes
  • 33:17 PROMO 2: Young Legends
  • We are a naming names of a company that was misleading podcasters about podcast art creation!
  • Our listeners made a difference! Thank you Descript and Bob Wood!
  • When your listener’s information is shared without their consent. This is not good
  • Follow up on another podcast call-in service, this one for Canada
  • Shout outs to those that listened to the show in one sitting!
  • Worst email of the week, and this time it has to do with DMCA takedown requests
  • Dreampath vs Dream Path
  • 49:49 We have a guest join the show! Say hello to Tom Webster
  • 1:22:17 PROMO 3: Grognostics Podcast
  • 1:22:52 Stats! Median and mean numbers!
  • 1:29:50 Where have we been?
  • Where are we going?

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie


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