The Relationship Couch Blog 173: 173 Do Your Homework

173: 173 Do Your Homework

173: 173 Do Your Homework post thumbnail image

Update on the Gaana Destination, and now Audible/Amazon Music! We answer FAQs, Gimlet being sued and how that could affect the rest of us, the RIAA and all those DMCA takedown notices to podcasters, episodes only going to the web player, do Apple chart positions really matter? Podcaster Bingo and this time we have geographic, user agent and bonus language stats!

Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going! Email or call 412–573–1934. We’d love to hear from you!

Quick Episode Summary

  • :13 Intro
  • 3:10 PROMO 1: I Shake My Head At Lisa and Sam
  • 4:09 Rob and Elsie Conversation
  • Gaana follow up and guess what? Now we have Audible/Amazon Music!
  • And you must add your destinations, now, we’re waiting
  • A bit of follow up on the Stitcher Sirius deal
  • 12:11 Audio feedback from Civilla
  • Well, Gimlet got sued or is being sued and what that means to all of us!
  • The RIAA has come out guns a blazing – watch out
  • Spotify has some new fancy charts going on, did you get an announcement?
  • 25:55 Audio feedback from Alain
  • There’s no way to get unified subscriber & download counts
  • So chart trackers? Not worth it
  • Shout out to Monica!
  • How to be a success? We have thoughts
  • 37:28 Audio feedback all about Eastern Standard Time
  • Podcast Listener Bingo!
  • What exactly is the mean and the median?
  • 43:21 PROMO 2: Beyond 6 Seconds
  • Stats, geographic, user agent and language stats

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie


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