Integration with YouTube’s podcast API, the latest Castro app update; what is happening with my downloads stats? How to find out what is up when you see those ups and downs; real time news about Gaana; talking about what’s up with section 230; answering more questions about YouTube and podcasts; clean vs explicit; formatting your podcast shownotes; another mean and median download update!
Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to contact us and keep the conversation going! Email, call 412-573-1934 or leave us a message on Speakpipe! We’d love to hear from you!
Quick Episode Summary
- (2:22) PROMO 1: Fix It Home Improvement
- (3:10) Rob and Elsie conversation
- (5:15) The YouTube API + Libsyn integration
- (7:56) Castro App update!
- (13:54) How to find out what caused that change when looking at your download stats
- (19:01) Oh, no! What’s going on with Gaana?
- (22:56) It’s better to not do the podcast if you’re not willing to do the work – you could be a guest
- (33:23) Is it possible to be on YouTube Music and not YouTube Music? And other YouTube for podcast questions
- (42:27) AUDIO FEEDBACK: explicit vs clean tips from John, host of the Trek Profiles podcast
- (49:30) PROMO 2: Back Look Cinema
- (50:19) Formatting your podcast shownotes and making them look nice
- (57:00) The problem when a platform rehosts your files and creates another RSS feed for your podcast
- (1:10:06) PROMO 3: Classic Movie Review
- (1:10:49) Mean and median numbers
- (1:12:25) Where have we been and where are we going?
Featured Podcast Promo + Audio
Where have we been and where are we going
- Lights, Camera, Podcasting! Movie Dumpster’s Formula for Video Podcast Success on YouTube!
- AI for Podcasters
- Learn To Podcast with Dave Jackson
- Podcast Movement 2024
Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!
Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie
- Leave us voice feedback!
- Connect Your Show to Publish Episodes to YouTube – Libsyn 5
- Castro Podcast app
- The Undertaker Opens Up On Transitioning To Podcasting | 411MANIA
- A bipartisan bill is looking to end Section 230 protections for tech companies
- EFFector 36.7 | Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Section 230 – YouTube
- Record Hybrid Podcasts with M4 iPad Pro and RODECaster Duo | Step-by-Step Guide – YouTube
- Elevating Your Podcast with YouTube Podcasts: A Walkthrough – YouTube
- AI in Podcasting: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – YouTube
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