The Relationship Couch Blog 145: 145 WWDC 2019, Apple Category Changes and iTunes No More?

145: 145 WWDC 2019, Apple Category Changes and iTunes No More?

145: 145 WWDC 2019, Apple Category Changes and iTunes No More? post thumbnail image

Starting with WWDC 2019 and the big news that iTunes will never be the same to Apple’s latest email letting all podcasters know that all podcast categories will be changing and exactly how that affects podcasters. We don’t only keep it to Apple, we share the latest podcasting insight from Google I/O last month and so much more! Including the latest mean and median download number stats so that you can get some clear metrics to know where you and your show stand.

Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going! Email or call 412–573–1934. We’d love to hear from you!

Quick Episode Summary

  • :07 Intro & how you can be featured by Libsyn!
  • 2:42 PROMO 1: Arm Cast
  • 3:08 Elsie and Rob Conversation
    • Elsie’s using a new mic!
    • WWDC redux all about podcasting via Rob Walch: iTunes is not being killed off with a flip of a switch
    • iTunes specific questions from the community!
    • The email from Apple that went to podcasters
    • The email from Apple that went to podcast hosts
    • Passing along Google podcasting news from Google I/O
    • 44:36 PROMO 2: Dear Strategy
    • A question about an app that could check Libsyn stats
    • Have you submitted your show to RADIO.COM ?
    • 47:36 AUDIO FEEDBACK from Kevin about using the new Overcast clip feature
    • Follow up on audio clips and Castro’s new release of sharing audio clips
    • Question about setting up multiple destinations for YouTube
    • The 14th annual People’s Podcast Awards are open!
    • Transcripts strategy talk
    • Streamlining what website pops up when searching Google for your podcast
    • Competitors claiming they have apps when really, they don’t
    • Where have YOU been? Jennifer has been on TV!
    • IAB advertising numbers and what they have to do with a sliver of pepperoni
    • Rob has an article about podcasting and privacy, have you read it? We’d love your feedback!
    • 1:08:10 PROMO 3: Scifi Talk
    • Stats, stats, stats! Mean and median

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)


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Ways to subscribe to The Feed: The Official Libsyn Podcast


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