The Relationship Couch Blog 5: 005 iTunes Not Updating Your Podcast An Awesome Podcasting Workflow and The Beginning of Libsyn4 Trickles Out

5: 005 iTunes Not Updating Your Podcast An Awesome Podcasting Workflow and The Beginning of Libsyn4 Trickles Out

Quick Episode Summary:

  • Intro and housekeeping
  • Promo: B2B Marketing Greg Elwell
  • What’s on the Libsyn blog
  • Promo: iMake with Martine Ellis
  • Podcasting workflow with Markus from The Omega Tau Podcast 11min
  • Dr. Ginger Campbell Thank You Feedback
  • Rob and Elsie Podcasting Conversation
    • Our new Feedback number + follow up on SpeakPipe
    • Leave your podcast name + URL when sending in your promos…
    • David Dear Feedback on Ep 3
    • Can you use your city’s name in your show? – what do you do if you get a cease and desist letter from the city?
    • Feedburner Feed issues (smartcast problem)
    • How to have two media players in one Libsyn account
    • Libsyn4 Release and how to get access – SEND US YOUR FEEDBACK!
  • Promo: Torg Stories William Torgerson
  • Wrap-up

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Podcasting articles and media about podcasting

Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Hey all, thank you and welcome to Episode 5 of The Feed: The official Libsyn Podcast, the podcast that takes it beyond how to podcast into keeping you podcasting, with podcasting tips for the everyday podcaster + taking you inside Libsyn the largest podcast host and distribution network since 2004!

First things!

We have a voice feedback number! 412 573 1934 AND we have a SpeakPipe account! You can leave us audio feedback over on this page.

Submit your Podcasting segment!

Since we had our first listener submitted contribution to the show, I’d love to encourage you guys to join in!

If you have a segment that you would like to submit to me, something that will benefit the podcasting community as a whole, either something you learned or something that has worked for you, please send it along.

It can be hardware, software reviews, your podcasting workflow or possibly promotional ideas that have really helped you grow your audience that you feel would help all of us.

Email your contributions to thefeed(at)libsyn(dot)com

If you are a Libsyn podcaster and want to be featured in our Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts blog series all you have to do is email thefeed(at)libsyn(dot)com.

I schedule those on a first come first serve basis, so when you get all the info to me that you need to get to me, I’ll schedule you on the next available date.

The Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts are blog posts that usually go live on Mondays. As of the writing of this post I’m scheduled up to mid November 2013.

Send in your 30 second or less podcast promo!

Share your message in 30 seconds or less! Not only is this a great exercise for you to distill the essence of your podcast, but it also helps the greater podcasting community get to know each other better!

Send them into thefeed(at)libsyn(dot)com!

Some Elsie feedback about sending in your promos

Leave your podcast name and URL when sending in your promos…or any communication for that matter!

Make sure when you send in your show promo, your name and your show are prominently shown in the email, as well as a link back to your website or any other social media properties that you’d like to share with us.

This makes it super easy for me to connect with you and PROMOTE you. I do my best to link back to you in as many

I’ve been getting people that have been sending me promos that have no URL anywhere, no email signature and the email address that it comes from doesn’t help PLUS the name they’ve named the promo in no way helps to tell me what the podcast is either.

It would make my life easier if you could simply offer that information

Libsyn Power Tips How to get two different Media players from your one libsyn account

Rob has 2 media players on Podcast411 and today in iOS.

If you go to right now you will see a big player top center – with the artwork for Rich Eisens Podcast (at the time of this writing) – that is his show level player – it has in the artwork and it keeps up to date whenever he publishes a new episode.

He doesn’t do anything to update it.

If you scroll down you will see the episode level players – those stay fixed per the episode they are assigned.

How you get both is the following.

First you set up the player you want for the episode level. You do that by checking out this support article.

Get the size and type you want – then copy the embed code and paste to your site.

Next – Set up the player you want for the per episode posts. And leave it set there.

Then when you publish your next episode at the end after you hit publish you will get the embed code for just that episode – per the size / type you set up.

But wherever you previously embedded the Show level player – it will continue to update to show the most recent episode.

URL’s To Use when Direct Linking

Sometime on websites or twitter we will see people linking to their files but with the wrong URL.

They will be using the URL – where their file redirects to. For example it may be –….


Those are the wrong URL’s to use – they are temp URL’s – and can and WILL break in the future.

The URL you want to use for direct links to your media files is

If you check your links and it is not traffic after the http:// – you are doing it wrong.

It also can effect your stats – as in not getting counted.

The real issue is anything other than the traffic link is a temp URL – and will in the future break – not that it may break – it WILL BREAK.

Will using your city’s name in your podcast episode get you in trouble?

Per Rob’s email below:

“Hi Rob, this evening I went to a community meeting in Inglewood I go to every month. They love the concept of my radio show. But the block club president suggests I should call the councilman in the city or speak to the city legal lawyer to find out if it’s OK to use Inglewood in my title. Only word I know is registered is Realtor(r) what do you suggest I do to verify its OK. thank you for your time”

Read this article. The second letter in the article sums it up nicely.

In other words – just use Inglewood in your show’s name. And if anyone gives you grief – send them the link above.

Feed not updating in iTunes

This next one is an issue regarding those using Feedburner and a problem with the Podcasts App.

A Libsyn user was having problems when listeners tapped to download an episode in the Podcasts App – It streamed fine – but it would not download into the app.

It would give an error and time out.

We figured out it was not the Libsyn feed – as putting that in direct to the Podcasts App worked fine. It wound up being the person was using Smartcast and Stats for Feedburner.

When they turned those items off – Then the downloads started up fine.

So if you are using Feedburner – check your show in the Podcasts App and see if you can get it to download, if not make sure to deselect all the smartcast and stats options in Feedburner – which you really don’t need anyway if you have Libsyn as your source feed.

That issue would be for anyone using Feedburner regardless of where you host or what your source feed is – there is something going on with the Podcasts App – that does not like smartcast and stats options in Feedburner.

Parsec Awards Winners & Finalists

Congrats to the Parsec Award winners!


We’d love it if you could please share #TheFeed with your twitter followers. Click here to post a tweet!

If you dug this episode head on over to iTunes and kindly leave us a rating, a review and subscribe!

Ways to subscribe to The Feed: The Official Libsyn Podcast

  • Click here to subscribe via iTunes
  • Click here to subscribe via RSS
  • You can also subscribe via Stitcher





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