The Relationship Couch Blog 238: 238 Podcasts In YouTube Music and Measuring Distinct Listeners

238: 238 Podcasts In YouTube Music and Measuring Distinct Listeners

238: 238 Podcasts In YouTube Music and Measuring Distinct Listeners post thumbnail image

The best Rob podcasting catchphrase ever, Libsyn’s AdvertiseCast Signs Exclusive Ad Partnership with The Viall Files, Podcasts in YouTube Music! Which gets us into YouTube + Podcasts mini Q&A, budget audio gear to send to a guest interview to uplevel their audio, I am really excited about Hindenburg 2 Beta, more follow up on Apple Podcasts subscription questions, what’s new for Apple Podcasts in iOS 16.4, How are distinct listeners measured? Stats mean and median, Libsyn Connect data and Advertisecast CPM rates

Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to contact us and keep the conversation going! Email, call 412-573-1934 or leave us a message on Speakpipe! We’d love to hear from you!


Quick Episode Summary

  • :13 Intro
  • (2:10) PROMO 1: Tomorrow’s Legends
  • (2:50) Rob and Elsie conversation
  • (4:17) Create artwork like there is no description, create descriptions like there is no artwork
  • (5:28) Libsyn’s AdvertiseCast Signs Exclusive Ad Partnership with The Viall Files
  • (9:21) The YouTube announcement like YouTube Music adding podcasting
  • (26:06) Audio feedback: budget podcasting gear to recommend to a guest via Robonzo
  • (33:19) Elsie loving on Hindenburg 2 beta
  • (38:40) Audio feedback: can Libsyn Connect work in tandem with Streamyard? via John
  • (44:14) PROMO 2: The Wild West Extravanganza
  • (45:03) New interesting podcast name: HVAC Sweat, Purge & Roll
  • (46:12) Oh no! We forgot to change our own copyright!
  • (47:34) Does placing episodes on Apple Podcast Subscriptions remove them from other destinations?
  • (48:22) Is there anything in the terms and conditions with Apple that prevent posting the Premium content to a Patreon RSS feed?
  • (49:57) Can you pull the plug on a premium offering with Apple Podcasts if it doesn’t work for a show?
  • (51:02) How much content to place in the Premium category based on our stats?
  • (52:33) What’s new on Apple Podcasts in iOS 16.4
  • (55:45) Audio feedback: what exactly are distinct listeners and how do you measure those? via Andrea
  • (58:46)PROMO 3: Glass in Session
  • (59:16) Stats, mean and median, Connect and Advertisecast average CPM rates
  • (1:04:53) Where have we been and where are we going?

Featured Podcast Promo + Audio

Where have we been and where are we going

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie


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