The Relationship Couch Blog 196: 196 Audio Rooms and Antitrust Bills

196: 196 Audio Rooms and Antitrust Bills

196: 196 Audio Rooms and Antitrust Bills post thumbnail image

Talking about Spotify! Their latest 60 million dollar deal with Alex Cooper from Call Her Daddy and its new Greenroom, then all that we know about Facebook Podcasts aka all that we don’t, the Kindle Vella and what it can mean for podcasters, an antitrust bill that could impact podcasting and of course our stats, geographic and user agent! Plus a bunch bunch more.

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Quick Episode Summary

  • :13 Intro
  • 3:30 PROMO 1: The David Cassidy Connections Podcast
  • Rob and Elsie conversation
  • Apple Channels and Apple Subscriptions are live!
  • No, any plays or downloads on Apple Podcasts premium content will not show up in your podcast host’s analytics
  • Alex Cooper scored a 60 million dollar deal with Spotify
  • Spotify launched Greenroom, yet another audio chatroom!
  • All about Facebook Podcast support and information, which at this point is about zero
  • Amazon Music is launching the Kindle Vella, and it seems super cool
  • Can you use libsyn for hosting files only and use all the advanced features?
  • Podcasters should learn more about ad tech in podcasting
  • PROMO 2: Tomorrow’s Legends
  • Should you use MyLibsyn or, what’s the difference?
  • Yes, Apple Podcasts is still taking new show in for submission
  • Looks like Clubhouse is dying
  • Anchor is no longer autosubmitting the RSS feed to Apple Podcasts
  • An antitrust bill presented to congress if passed could prohibit Apple from pre-installing its own apps on Apple devices
  • What exactly is the Libsyn classic feed?
  • PROMO 3: The Banned Media Podcast
  • Stats, geograhic and user agent

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie


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