The Relationship Couch Blog 156: 156 Spotify Passthrough Update and Other Things

156: 156 Spotify Passthrough Update and Other Things

156: 156 Spotify Passthrough Update and Other Things post thumbnail image

We discuss the Apple email sent in mid November, deconstructing the email that we (Libsyn) sent out to make sure you get all the must know info! BIG thoughts on how to use consumption rate data, demographic vs psychographic info, teaser promos, show notes vs blog posts and oh so much more! OH and of course stats stats stats, this time user agent and geographic!

Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to email us and keep the conversation going! Email or call 412–573–1934. We’d love to hear from you!

Quick Episode Summary

  • :07 Intro!
  • 3:24 PROMO 1: Creatively Complicated
  • Straight into discussing the Apple email sent out in mid November
  • 14:47 The Libsyn Team sent out an email about the Spotify passthrough and we break down into a mass of details
  • Should you still claim your podcast in Spotify?
  • What to do with episode consumption rates
  • 28:37Voicemail from Neil asking all sorts of questions about demographics, teaser promos and shownotes vs blog posts
  • 38:40 PROMO 2: The MandaLore
  • Rob discusses the new Macbook Pro with the fancy microphones
  • What to use to share large files with your team
  • Thoughts on Apple making some ‘podcasting’ content hires
  • Worst email of the week
  • 48:30 Voice feedback from Robin about Libsyn and accessibility
  • BossJock Jr update
  • A discussion about the Hollywood Reporter article on Spotify and podcasting
  • Shout-out to Marco for mentioning us on ATP!
  • 55:38 PROMO 3: In Clear Focus
  • Stats! User agent and geographic

Featured Podcast Promos + Audio

Thank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)


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Ways to subscribe to The Feed: The Official Libsyn Podcast


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