The Relationship Couch Blog The Holiday Feed 2013 with Ken Ray, Mignon Fogarty and all About The 10 Percent

The Holiday Feed 2013 with Ken Ray, Mignon Fogarty and all About The 10 Percent

Merry Happy Holidays!

Not like our usual episodes. This is all about fun and heart and the last episode of The Feed for 2013!!! Rob and I get together with Ken Ray from Mac OS Ken as well as through time and space with the awesome Mignon Fogartyfrom Grammar Girl. We discuss all things gadgets, tech, gifts, wants and fun, just for sheer delight.

Community. Heart. Support.

But before the discussion begins, I share with you a new project that is arising. One that necessitates a community that chooses to participate. A call to action, to those that want to give, grow and simply support a fellow human being. Give, that which is the most treasured to you – your time, your genius!!! It’s the 10% Collaborative Podcast Project for Mark Newman. Make sure you listen to the episode OR check this out. Oh! And you still have a few more days to participate in the #LibsynMerrySelfie giveawaywhich will is still going on until 11:59pm December 25 2013!

The Podcaster Wishlists
Mignon List

Where to find Mignon:

Ken List

Where to find Ken:

Rob list

Elsie list

All about my brother Luis Escobar! Trying to make up for my FAIL on the podcast 😉


We’d love it if you could please share #TheFeed with your twitter followers. Click here to post a tweet! If you dug this episode head on over to iTunes and kindly leave us a rating, a review and subscribe!

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