Showing 22 Result(s)

Unspoken Thoughts of a Mother

I woke up at 3am that morning, long before the sun peeked through the clouds. I lay in bed for a few hours, thinking about my kids. I thought about their needs, how I could better support them, and the things I’d like to do for them. My 14-year-old son woke up and started getting …

The Essential Traits of an Emotionally Intelligent Partner: Unlocking the Secrets to Successful Relationships and Life

Emotional intelligence means having the ability to understand, process, and respond to emotions in yourself or someone else. It can make a huge difference in your life when you’re proficient in these areas. Here are some of the top personality traits of an emotionally intelligent partner: Emotional intelligence is all about being aware of your …

Sacred Geometry & Relationships: How It Can Help You

Sacred geometry is the study of geometric shapes and patterns that are believed to have spiritual significance. When it comes to relationships, sacred geometry can be used to understand underlying patterns and dynamics that shape our interactions with others. One of the most fundamental shapes in sacred geometry is the circle. In relationships, the circle …

What Your Healing Journey Teaches Your Kids

As a parent with multiple kids, I’m constantly reminded that my kids watch me grow and evolve. Each child gets a slightly different version of mommy. My prayer is that none of them feel the other got more of me than they did. As I sat and talked with my oldest today, I could see …

Finding Emotional Equilibrium in Your Relationship

Every relationship has it’s patterns, whether those be healthy patterns or unhealthy patterns. Those patterns often emerge when couples find themselves in conflict. When a disconnection happens and goes on over time, the interactions will become more and more negative between the couple. Statistics show that couples who get stuck in this pattern within the …

Are YOU the toxic partner?

We spend time talking about toxic partners, but often don’t realize when we are the toxic partner.   In this episode, we discuss 7 traits that may be making you the toxic partner.   — This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:

Hurt people, hurt people

We’ve all heard the phrase “hurt people, hurt people” when it comes to someone’s behavior.  This is often used to justify someone’s abusive behavior. In this episode, we discuss how hurt people can cause wounds in others, and how we can take control of our healing, as well as rectify the wounds we cause others. …

Are you addicted to drama?

Do you find yourself in conflict with everyone around you consistently? If so, you may be addicted to drama.  We’ll explore what an addiction to drama looks like and what it does for those addicted. — This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast: …

Is it love or trauma bonds?

You ever had that relationship where you both couldn’t separate from each other? It was a mix of passion and anger, but you felt this “pull” towards each other you just couldn’t shake? Let’s explore whether that’s love or trauma bonds. — This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a …

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